The right people in the right seats
Do you have the right people in the right seats in your growing organization? Moreover, do you have the “right people, doing the right things, right” in your company? And importantly, do you have the right people in the right seats in the leadership team?
It is normal for a growing organization to reach a proverbial ceiling. Often, this ceiling is caused by people and performance gaps, even on the leadership team. And it’s hard to break through the ceiling.
Challenges faced by growing companies
Common challenges faced by CEOs and founders of growing companies, include:
- “Our people and processes can’t keep up with the pressure”,
- Employees don’t know who should do what,
- Leaders are not held accountable for results,
- How does the role of the founder change during this transition?
The founder can get in the way of growth
The reality is that the founder is often confronted with his/her own role in the future of the organization. And tough to admit, but sometimes the founder effectively gets in the way of the organization to scale up the curve.
CoLAB can help you get the right people in the right seats
As a Master ScalingUp practitioner, Barend Cronjé helps business leaders to break through this ceiling with CoLAB’s #bestpractical approach, while using the ScalingUp methodology.
Over the next few weeks, look out for more content on this journey. However, if you want to talk through your thinking in the meantime, click on the link and find a slot in Barend’s diary for a quick chat. Click HERE.
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